Scotland the Brave!

Our choice to move from the warm, fragrant Mediterranean beauty of Ravello to the  never disappointing  summertime rain and mist of Scotland might seem odd. Truth be told we love these two places equally…both for the history, antiquity and incredible people we meet. Since we were not on our typical cruise and only away a few days, we thought it a challenge to visit both.. And two very different climates. We shipped our rainwear to the Balmoral directly allowing us to take carry on to the wedding. Brian’s tux was a tad wrinkled but no one noticed!! Yesterday was a full day in  Edinburgh . Up the hill down the hill.. That part is like Ravello! Brian got to his Royal Mile Whisky shop that he frequented each year on business trips. The Scotch sometimes arrived back before he did! St. Giles Cathedral, Mary Kings Close ( underground history tour of the dark days of the Plague!! 😬), Deacon Brodie’s for a pint (thanks to Deb McNeil and her texting me by mistake!)…and National Museum of Scotland, Grey Friars Kirkyard and dinner  at NumberOne at Balmoral! Quite a day. We are now off to Inverness and our trip through Outlander country. Hope to catch a glimpse of Jamie Fraser.  

Peter our Doorman

The Balmoral is magnificent!

Cannot help to think this guy was not easy on eyes but certainly had a head for business!